Wednesday, February 15, 2012

iamamiwhoami | sever

Another amazing song by iamamiwhoami, released on Valentine's Day. However, I was too busy and too sick to make this post yesterday (yay wisdom teeth extraction).

"Sever", like her other songs, has dark undertones, simple color schemes, and peculiar choices in clothing (if any). Her past music videos had her wearing dresses made of plastic, mud all over her body and face, leaves, foil, and frequently nothing but her own skin. In "Sever", the bare trees, wide room, and cloudy weather also contribute to themes of emptiness and simplicity.

Jonna Lee's voice, I believe, is the pulling force for this song--much like the voice of Karin Dreijer Andersson from The Knife. And even Pearl from Zeigeist. The complexities in pitch add weight, momentum, and perplexity to the song, which undoubtedly distinguishes iamamiwhoami from many.

iamamiwhoami | sever

Here is a sample of the poetic lyrics from "Sever":
I won't be fooled by its touch,
an emotional supply,
The scent of a fail
in heavy love we dry,
The cold in the bare grass
so delicate by one's eye,
it's why we can't ally
and elope tonight.

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