Sunday, June 28, 2009

Thanks, everyone!

First of all, THANK YOU to everyone who has posted & contributed so far (as well as beared with the guidelines while posting)!! I love learning about the different types of music you listen to, and I hope everyone else feels the same. You guys are awesome!!!

However, if there's something about the blog that you think can be improved, please give me your feedback and let me know what you think! I'm open to comments/suggestions!

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**By the way, here's a little tip if you want to have Blogger e-mail you when someone comments on your post. Click on the "comments" link found underneath your post and you'll find a link that says "Subscribe by email" directly underneath the comment box on the right side. That will notify you when someone comments on your entry!**

I love shopping at (or around, haha) The Lab! The music there is awesome. My friend and I were at American Apparel yesterday when "Little Secrets" by Passion Pit went on (from their first full-length album Manners). I loved the song right when it started playing! Again I asked the cashier what song it was, to which another employee responded it was Passion Pit (I thought of Angie when he told me that, haha). I first heard about Passion Pit through another Blogger who posts playlists full of "indie dance music". "Sleepyhead" was what first drew me to Passion Pit (check out the video! It's definitely different, ahha). Enjoy!


Charlene Grace said...

Oh, wow. Me likey!

angfoo said...

Heheheheh, I like how your thought of me! YEAHHH PASSION PIT!