Thursday, May 24, 2012

May Fave 5

It's been a while, but I wanted to do a quick compilation of the 5 songs I have been constantly listening to these past few weeks. Head on past the break to see what's on my playlist.

1. Florence + The Machine - "Hardest of Hearts"

I'll start off with the gal I've completely fallen in love with this year, the lovely Florence Welch of Florence + The Machine. I love just about all of her music, to be honest, but as of late I've really been loving her track "Hardest of Hearts".

2. The Reign of Kindo - "Symptom of a Stumbling"
Following Flo's powerful vocals and haunting lyrics is the simple yet emotionally rich "Symptom of Stumbling" by The Reign of Kindo. These guys typically have a dramatic, rich multi-instrument sound focusing greatly on guitar riffs and exciting drum beats, but this song departs from all of that with a duo of vocals and piano that is truly captivating.

3. Silversun Pickups - "Mean Spirits"

From their latest album, this song is a great representation of the darker tone and higher energy of the new album as a whole. It of course maintains classic catchy Silversun riffs and, along with the song "Busy Bees" on this album, makes my top faves list for Silversun as a whole.

4. Mutemath - "All or Nothing"
I've been listening to Mutemath for a while, and this latest song really shows they've come a long way. The electric components that first made me interested in this band are very well showcased (and incredibly catchy), especially in the bridge.

5. Parov Stelar - "Chambermaid Swing"
This last one is a bit of a stand-out from the rest. I heard a portion of it during a TV ad (*coughbacardicough*), and while it didn't stand out to me much then, my boyfriend decided to identify the song and listen to the full track. It's jazzy with some electric beats thrown in, and overall it's just a fun listen.

1 comment:

Charmaine said...

Canobot!!! Awesome post! Thanks for stopping by and remembering this blog, haha.