Saturday, July 2, 2011

"Calgary" by Bon Iver

I started an art/music/film/video games/literature blog called NO PIECE. I hope to expand in to different subjects like health and food, introduce contributing writers [especially for "art," "health," and "food," haha], and turn the whole hot mess into a cohesive webzine serving under my "indie"/underground webmagnate. (No seriously, click that link.)

I'm not doing this as means to undermine The Wire Box (that was the mission of This is Cereal, muhahahaha). If anything, The Wire Box was my inspiration for No Piece: A webzine that, although only consists of me, has varying opinions and multiple authors/writers. Perhaps I will fine some way to integrate The Wire Box suggestions. We'll see.

While there are many authors for this blog, there isn't a proportionate amount of active members. (A review of the past four weeks shows at least 3-4 different users including me.) Ergo, I'm just giving a shout out for all you oldies or absentees to come back around and start posting on this site. Not to say that the current music suggestions are bad (they are actually really good considering the amount of active members), but it would be nice to see more "faces."

Self-indulgent rant aside, Bon Iver's Bon Iver, Bon Iver is going to be the first album I review. I wanted to put up "Perth" but YouTube keeps taking down videos featuring the song. "Calgary" is just as fine. The album is incredible.