Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tegan and Sara - Back in your Head

Tegan and Sara - Back in your Head

According to Wiki, Tegan and Sara (full names Tegan Rain Quin and Sara Keirsten Quin) are apparently identical twins! AND it was their birthday on September 19! How ironic, especially since I hadn't listened to "Back in your Head" in a very, very long time.

However, "Walking with a Ghost" will always be my #1 Tegan and Sara song (as of now). The White Stripes version is great, btw! (Both videos after the cut.)

Tegan and Sara - Walking with a Ghost

The White Stripes - Walking with a Ghost


Anonymous said...

They're good =).

I also like their song "I know I know I know"

mark said...

The Con (the album w/ "Back in Your Head") is genius. It was produced by Chris Walla, the guitarist from Death Cab for Cutie and the bassist from AFI does alot of bass work on the album.

Justin said...

Am I the only one who likes their old stuff a lot better than their new stuff. I don't mean to say this as a music prick, but I say this because their old stuff is way different from their new stuff.

Charmaine said...

I never heard their old stuff... you mean from 1999 and the early 2000s??

Which album do you recommend?

Justin said...

I have their first three albums. For those three, the differences are mostly how much band is involved, if that makes sense. For example, they remake a few of their songs on later albums with more instruments and such.

I think "Under Feet Like Ours" is my favorite, though. "Clever Meals" is my favorite song by them.

mark said...

Although I like their newer stuff better, I will admit that their older stuff was good in their own right. I think their newer stuff is WAY different from their older stuff and Chris Walla had a big part in that.