Sunday, June 21, 2009


My friend from high school Pano Pan got me into metaphorical music. It's just so calming and just makes me reflect on anything in my life. Pano influenced me with his taste in music. One artist that got me hooked was Nujabes. Some of their songs are instrumental, but some are combined with hip hop, rap, soul, and jazz. Just the stuff that's been playing on MTV or BET just makes me want to turn off the tv. I don't even listen to the radio anymore, aside from ESPN radio. The song I'm posting is Nujabes - Latitude.

This song reminds me of whenever Pano and I would hang out after school on Fridays to celebrate the weekend. We would just go to Camelot's and play DDR and Initial D. And everytime I'm in his car, this song always pops up. It's also a reminisce of how things are really calm and relaxing when it's just us hanging out when school ends.

2 lines of the song sticks with me.

"You could fall from the pressure
Or could you take the weight."

So much pressure nowadays, whether it's school or friends, that it's easy to just panic. But we just have to be willing to take the hits, in any situation we encounter in life.

Nujabes - Latitude

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