Monday, July 6, 2009

Ben Folds - Still Fighting It

In the 90's, Ben Folds Five (his previous band) released "Brick" and became overnight sensations. The song was about an abortion that Folds' college girlfriend had (in one part of the song, he describes selling Christmas gifts to pay for said abortion). Years later Folds would go solo and even do some songs for the CGI-animated film, Over the Hedge. They were some pretty legit songs (check them out).

In honor of me aging...somewhat aging...I present a song "Still Fighting It" by Ben Folds. Definitely a song about growing up and being young. Unfortunately, I can't embed the actual video, but it's here; I hella like it. So ignore the visual portion of this video. It's kind of lame. Haha.

1 comment:

Charmaine said...

Aww this song sounds so sad :( lol.

There was a song I liked by Ben Folds but I forgot what it was called!!!

And Happy Birthday, Mark!