Friday, July 10, 2009

Pearl Jam -- Low Light

From the album Yield, by Pearl Jam. Imho, it is an unusually positive work from a band well associated with the dark, apathetic tones of grunge. It reminds me-- that at any given moment, we can never sum up what our lives have amounted to, or what we hoped to eventually find. Concepts of right and wrong, what we ought or ought not have done, are as impermanent as our moods. But instead of despairing, the tone is hopeful; it seems to say, that even in the failing light of reason, we must continue living the dream, calmly and steadily.


mark said...

I was going to post a Pearl Jam song. Yeah. Eddie Vedder (lead singer) is legit; he did the soundtrack to this movie...I forget what it's called..."Call of the Wild?" It's hella folky. Reminds me of this song.

Yuan Fang said...

Oh yeah,it's for the movie Into the Wild. Cool... I really liked the book that movie was based on. Chris McCandless is legit too, haha.