Saturday, July 11, 2009

No Doubt

My cousin got me into No Doubt in the 90's. They filmed this song in my neighborhood in Anaheim (my hometown, and I just looked up that No Doubt is from Anaheim as well!). I can't post the video because the youtube account who has the music video won't allow people putting the music video in other sites. But if you look it up, they were playing in my neighbor's garage. I didn't know my neighbors, but I was able to see Gwen Stefani later that night. My mom told me about this last night, thought I'd share this with you all. She told me how I was scared and didn't want to take a picture of her. Lol I was young I guess, and I didn't know how to react with people who I don't know. I recognized the liquor store that Gwen walked to in the music video during the 2nd verse of the song. So yeah, just check it out on youtube. Here's the song.

No Doubt - Sunday Morning

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