Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Guilty pleasure.

This is by far one of my favorite covers (sorry--I don't make my own covers, Mark!). The original "Lollipop" by Lil Wayne isn't even a song I like (except for when I'm clubbing or something haha). But Framing Hanley's rock version of the song makes it quite enjoyable (though the lyrics are still painful to listen to).

Framing Hanley - Lollipop

Btw, here's one of my favorite tracks by them... "Hear Me Now"! The lyrics have religious implications (a lot better than whatever "Lollipop" is spewing.) I think I might be delving into another rock phase soon.

Framing Hanley - Hear Me Now


mark said...

It's funny because Lil' Wayne is released a rock album called 'Rebirth.' Check it out especially the song 'Prom Queen' (something like that). The album's release date has been pushed back SEVEN times.

Yeah, it's that terrible.

Charlene Grace said...

Haha, not too bad. I think this may throw me back into rock as well.