Sunday, July 12, 2009

Never Fly United and other musings

So, apparently a guy named Dave Caroll went on a plane trip with United Airlines and, well, the song explains it all. I don't know why the band is wearing fake mustaches and sombreros, but in the words of Rod Blagojevich, it's bleepin' golden.

In addition to that, I've been learning to play a couple of song on guitar...

Both are jazz standards. The first one I set about learning was Jamie Cullum's version of "What a Difference a Day Made" which features the wonderful chord Em11 which is just about the easiest thing you can play on a guitar.

The other one is Norah Jones's version of "The Nearness of You" which is really sparse musically and makes it really pretty. And by sparse, I mean really soft. Kind of like Imogen Heap's "Hide and Seek," except of electronic manipulations of voice, it's just voice and piano. You get the idea.

No live videos of her for this song unfortunately.

Any way, it's helping me get a better understanding of jazz and how jazz chords fit. Or, at the very least, how to make weird chord shapes work, heh.

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